Social media managers represent your brand across social channels. They provide experts guidance needed to enhance the online presence of organisations. With clear goals like: “improve website traffic” or “optimize brand awareness,” social media managers grow your business through social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
The social media manager’s first task is to implement a marketing plan for the brand’s digital presence. The fast-paced nature of the social world means these strategies are often short-term. Most companies conduct reviews every 90 days. While plans vary, they often begin with identifying target customers and establishing a content schedule.
While the in-depth planning of a social media campaign can be very complicated and daunting for anyone, here we give you 5 best practices which your campaign should never break to maintain a high brand reputation online.
1. Avoid Reposting the Same Message
Don’t make the mistake of using the exact same text in posts for each platform; audiences are different on year platform and to reach each audience, you need different messages.
2. Do Engage in Social Listening
For content calendar ideas, you should make sure you know what people are saying about your company through social listening. This is where you can gain valuable insights from your customers about your brand through social media mentions of your company and products, and competitors too.
3. Post Frequently
Scheduling frequent posting across social media channels on your content calendar is important for brand visibility and increasing awareness. Anywhere between 2 – 15 posts daily is recommended depending on the channel and your industry standards. Twitter and Pinterest love higher frequency while others mediums like Facebook, LinkedIn are happy with just 1-2 daily posts.
4. Have Strategic Copywriting
Target smaller niches in your audience with messaging designed to specifically engage them. Having deeper understanding of your audience gives a huge advantage to brands when communicating with them.
5. Be Flexible
Your social content calendar shouldn’t be seen as something rigid. Allow flexibility for any potential last-minute changes or trends that may arise that you couldn’t otherwise anticipate.

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